We went on a tour of one of Arizona’s most famous slot canyons, led by a Navajo woman named Rosie. It was other-worldly. Unbelievably beautiful. And nice and cool compared to the hot Arizona sun shining on us once we were back outside! Rosie told us that these canyons were found by Native shepherds whose flocks would wander in to get out of the heat.

looking up – spiral with a heart at the end
Rosie told us that during monsoon season, the canyons will flood really quickly and leave bits of driftwood here and there, like the one behind Sidney and Riley here.
This feels so much like a glamour shot to me. And makes me laugh every time I look at it. Riley was the only one smart enough to look at the camera but the shadows are doing weird things to all of our faces. (It was also the only time we were allowed to take our masks off in the canyon – the Navajo Nation has a very strict mask policy for Covid.)

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