This might have put Sidney and Riley off of hiking for the rest of the trip, but it was worth it! We didn’t make it down to the Colorado River (they don’t let you do that for day hikes, with very good reason) but we did make it pretty far down. 9.2 miles round trip, with half of that being sometimes very steep uphill. Everyone did great and we are especially proud of the kids who probably had to take 2x as many steps!

Riley did not like this overlook! Maybe a little too far down…

It was around here that we considered stopping and turning around – we had already hiked 3 miles and knew we had to do the same amount back up hill. But then someone we met at the rest house told us there was a creek to dip our feet into at the next rest house, only another 1.6 miles down the canyon. So we went for it.

Getting close to the bottom!
We made it to the creek!
And…back up we go!
1.5 miles left in the hike. Our shoes all looked like this!
Final rest house stop, and Sidney seemed like she was really starting to feel it at this point. Luckily we had some water and salty snacks to power all of us through.
Made it to the end! 8 hours after starting, we came out the top and went and ate the best dinner ever.

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