At 32 weeks!
Left profile…
Right profile! (Any different?)
Another cute profile shot.
A slightly less-creepy face shot? These were a little cuter when we could actually see Lilby moving around…apparently we have a very ‘active’ baby, which Bradley is psyched to hear. They can go on 80 mile bike rides together while I sit at home and read…
Oh yeah, and both of those things next to the face are hands/arms.
I did mention a foot obsession earlier, didn’t I?
Supposedly that is Lilby’s hand next to his/her face and not a giant ear. That is reassuring.
What up third trimester?? And no, not having twins. You’re so funny.
More than 3 months early!
The amazing thing is, this is only half of the clothes we have. I’m washing the other half tomorrow…
PS: Aren’t these the cutest thing ever? I may have a minor obsession with our baby’s feet.
Already feeling 35 after that run. I think lilbee is taking days off my life.
See, when you can’t see my belly, I look the same as always!
PS: Almost 26 weeks.