On New Years Eve, Riley beat all the other kids in their poker game. This picture shows her with the hand that won it all.

It’s possible all the other kids are terrible poker players, but she was still pretty excited.

Since Riley’s birthday fell on a school holiday (or as Riley said, since her birthday was THE REASON for the school holiday), we got to take her out to brunch, even though it was a Tuesday!

Sidney’s friends decorated her locker for her big day, and they did a pretty impressive job! When she came home we went out to dinner at the local Mexican restaurant that Sidney loves, then headed home for cupcakes.

We are past birthday month, and catching up on pictures. Sidney had her birthday at Apex, where she and her friends had cake, broke out of an escape room and then played video games. A great time was had by all, and Sidney increased her quantity of Squishmallows so you know she loved it.

Actually 2 sloths! This is Esther. She is about a year old and very shy.
And this is Sid. He is a lot more sociable (and interested in eating sweet potato slices!) as you will see in the pictures below.