Riley woke up with a fever on Friday, so we had to take her to urgent care and make sure it wasn’t anything more than a late reaction to the vaccine or a minor cold. Luckily she was negative for all the tests they threw at her, but that didn’t make waiting for the results any more interesting.

Earlier in the day she had recovered so quickly that she even joined me in the garage for a workout, prepared a cheese plate for us to enjoy after, and fanned me while I was doing pushups.

Riley is 8 today. It was definitely a best-day-ever. We met her two longtime BFFs, Katy and Avery, at the mall where 2 of the 3 (including Riley) ended up getting their ears pierced. Then cupcake’s at Avery’s house and home for dinner, more cake and presents.

We started the day off with our town’s Halloween 5k. I signed us all up expecting to run a bit and walk a bit, and maybe not finish it all. But then both girls wanted to do the whole thing!
And then Riley ended up winning 2nd place in her age group!! And she ran faster than A LOT of the adults.
Some of us ran in full costume
Heading out for trick or treating. One of these things is a little bit different…
Artemis, Athena and Aphrodite
Counting and trading their gobs of candy with our trick or treating friends.