Sidney got to go on an adventure to a new playground with her friend Izzy on Sunday.
Sidney got to go on an adventure to a new playground with her friend Izzy on Sunday.
Riley woke up with a fever on Friday, so we had to take her to urgent care and make sure it wasn’t anything more than a late reaction to the vaccine or a minor cold. Luckily she was negative for all the tests they threw at her, but that didn’t make waiting for the results any more interesting.
Earlier in the day she had recovered so quickly that she even joined me in the garage for a workout, prepared a cheese plate for us to enjoy after, and fanned me while I was doing pushups.
When you are trying to push someone almost exactly the same size as you!
Sidney was pretending here to be in a deep conversation (with an invisible person) at a fancy party. Don’t worry, it is just lemonade in her glass.
Riley is 8 today. It was definitely a best-day-ever. We met her two longtime BFFs, Katy and Avery, at the mall where 2 of the 3 (including Riley) ended up getting their ears pierced. Then cupcake’s at Avery’s house and home for dinner, more cake and presents.
And definitely not playing the same song…
Apparently they didn’t do much more than pose for pictures on Friday at Riley’s school. Nice to have semi-normal school holidays back again.
I discovered a photo album of pictures from Riley’s farm camp a few years ago that I did not recognize.